Planting Science - Projects: Sequoias
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Project by group iamsciupekfall2020

Explore We didn't really know that much about plants before we did this project. Most of the things that we learned about plants we discovered from doing this project. We learned a lot from it.
Research Question The question that we wanted to answer was "Does the temperature of the water that you give a Pearl Millet seed affect how long it takes to germinate?". We came up with the question when we were looking at different things that we give to the plant that we could change, such as the water or the soil. So we chose to change the water, and then we created the research question.
Predictions We predicted that the plant that we gave hot water to would germinate faster because Pearl Millet seeds prefer to have warm soil. We predicted that the plant that we gave cold water to would germinate slower or not at all because it would drop the temperature of the soil too much.
Experimental Design Our MATERIALS: Pearl Millet seeds x3 (because it grows fast) Soil x3 1 cup water x3 (Hot, cold, and control) Thermometer x1 (So we can measure the heat of the water) Timer x1 (So we give the plants water at the exact time each day) Pot x3 (To put the plants in) Google spreadsheet (So we can graph the info) Lights x1 (For a control of light; it will turn of after 12 hours) STEP BY STEP PROCEDURE: Place pots in the light Place 3 cups of soil in pots Place pearl millet seeds into the pots. Measure the water temperatures Pour 1 cup of water (Hot) into pot Porur 1 cup of water (Cold) into pot 2 Pour 1 cup of water (Control, room temperature, in-between) into pot 3 Wait until 12:30 in the afternoon (After lunch) until pouring more water into pots Repeat until each plant germinates (Record how long each one took on google slides, what the difference in time was after germination occurs) EXTRA INFO: We are measuring by the days it takes to sprout Our two people in person will switch turns giving water to the seed The graph is going to be “Pot number” by “Time” (In days to sprout) Pearl millet seeds planted ½ inches deep Pearl millet seeds will be planted in the middle of their pot One pearl millet seed per pot
Conclusion Based on our data, we think that cold water is best for germination. However, we had a water issue that made it hard to have totally accurate results. We had a problem with over-hydration. We think that we gave all the pots too much water, and basically drowned our plants. We had a lot of standing water in our Cold water pot (Cold water), and a lot of the water that we put in the Control pot (Room temperature water) fell through a hole in the bottom of it.
Investigation Theme WOS
School Name Ideaventions Academy for Mathematics and Science
Session Fall 2020


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NSF_Logo.jpg This material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant #2010556 and #1502892. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation.

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