Planting Science - Projects: The floured four
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The floured four

Project by group dmsstiemspring2021

Explore A seed needs three things to germinate; A good location, water, and the correct temp. Seeds spread out there seeds A seed is a ripened ovule of a fertilized flower. All seeds contain a diploid embryo and a food supply It can take a LONG time to start the germination process The root sprouts first Once the seed reaches sunlight, it will begin to photosynthesize. If there is not enough sunlight, it will die Different plants respond differently to different habitats
Research Question If we give pearl millet and alfalfa the same location, temperature, and amount of water, which plant will germinate faster?
Predictions If we give pearl millet and alfalfa the same amount of everything then the Alfalfa will grow faster. we think this because Pearl Millet likes warmer temperatures.
Experimental Design Put 40 seeds in 4 ziplock bags and damp paper towel (20 Pearl, 20 Alfalfa) Measure growth each day in mm 10mm cold water each day Light above the seeds
Conclusion Alfalfa grows less in 7 days. Our data supports this because the both tests on pearl millet grew a fairly even amount that is higher than the average of Alfalfa. Alfalfa 1 only grew an average of 9mm while pearl millet 1 grew 25 and pearl millet 2 grew 24. (according to Seed Size as Key Factor in Germination and Seedling Development of Copaifera langsdorffii (Fabaceae),This is because larger seeds, although germinating slowly, often have higher percentage of germination than small seeds. Large seeds have greater amount of stored reserves. Large seeds tend to produce more vigorous seedlings when compared to small seeds. The evidence supports my claim that Pearl Millet grows more. There was an error with alfalfa 1. We do not know why it did not grow as much as the other seeds. Alfalfa 2 grew significantly more than Alfalfa 1.I was expecting different results.
Investigation Theme WOS
Teacher Name Kristen Stiem
School Name DeWitt Middle School
Session Spring 2021


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NSF_Logo.jpg This material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant #2010556 and #1502892. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation.

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