Planting Science - Projects: The PEAple
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The PEAple

Project by group dmsstiemspring2021

Explore They are alive when in the seed. Seeds are dormant. There are 3 conditions to grow, water, temp, location. Seeds only do cellular respiration with glucose that is already in the seed. So what are we doing is when we pour water on it uses the water and light carbon dioxide in photosynthesis to make glucose. Also it makes oxygen. Then it uses light oxygen, and glucose that are made from photosynthesis and and does cellular respiration to grow. In cellular respiration it uses water oxygen glucose and light and it makes atp energy that makes the plant grow. Also it makes carbon dioxide and water.
Research Question How does the amount of water affect how much it grows.
Predictions If we add more water then the plant will grow more. This is because the if the seed gets more water it will be able to do more photosynthesis and cellular respiration causing it to grow more. We think that 2 and 4ml will be the least amount of water, 6 and 8ml will be in the middle, and 10 and 12ml will be the most amount.
Experimental Design We will do water to wet the paper towel. It will be in a plastic bag for the whole time and we will measure how much it grows with a ruler. We will skip the weekend and water it on all the days we are in school. Every Friday we will measure how much it grows and refill it with water after we measure it.
Conclusion Claim: a pea will grow the most with 10 ml of water. Evidence: this is because when we used 2 ml of water and 4 ml of water on day one and the average as 0. The average for 8 ml of water was 1.5 and the average for 6 ml was 0. And lastly for he average for day one using 10 ml of water was 5.85. This shows that the pea will grow the best/most using 10 ml of water. Reasoning: If you use 2 or 4 ml it is under watering it which can't make enough food and cant use photosynthesis. If you use 12 ml you are overwatering it and it doesn't have enough oxygen to make its nutrients. Therefore, 10 ml of water was the best option because it was not overwatered or underwatered.
Investigation Theme WOS
Teacher Name Kristen Stiem
School Name DeWitt Middle School
Session Spring 2021


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NSF_Logo.jpg This material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant #2010556 and #1502892. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation.

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