Planting Science - Projects: Sun eaters
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Sun eaters

Project by group dmsstiemspring2021

Explore The conditions that cause a seed to germinate is the right location, the temperature, and water theses are the things that make a seed germinate. These thing must be just right or the seed may not germinate ,but if a seed doesn't germinate it could have be damaged or may have a DNA problem making the seed unable to germinate. The seed may not have leaves and can't do photosynthesis ,but it can do cellar respiration as it does have nutrients from when the seed was dormant. This nutrient helps the seed germinate and grow until it do photosynthesis and make it's own food. When the seed germinates the root comes first and goes down do to gravity and when the stem comes it goes up towards the sun.
Research Question How will different types of waters effect the seed when germinating? (The types of waters are Carbonated, normal water, flavored carbonated water ,and soapy water.)
Predictions We think that the carbonated water will do the best and the seed will germinate faster than the other seeds with the other waters while normal water will be second best ,then flavored carbonated water falling third with soapy water falling last. We think this because the seed needs water and the carbon will be needed at some point so it will get two things in one. While water follows in second place and is in nature ,but won't get the carbon right away while the flavored carbonated third because the flavoring is in the water and could contaminate the seed making it germinate slower and the soapy water last because of the soap and has chemicals in it making the seed germinate slower and last.
Experimental Design Step 1: Put 10 buckwheat seeds in each bag Step 2: Label each bag with one on the four types of waters (Carbonated water, normal water, flavor carbonated water, and soapy water) Step 3: Water each bag with one of the types of waters with 30mm each day Step 4: Record which seed/seeds germinate first and see how the waters affect the seed/seeds Step 5: repeat each day
Conclusion The carbonated water ended up growing the most. Then flavored carbonated water, normal water and then soapy water.
Investigation Theme WOS
Teacher Name Kristen Stiem
School Name DeWitt Middle School
Session Spring 2021


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NSF_Logo.jpg This material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant #2010556 and #1502892. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation.

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