Planting Science - Projects: Cucumbers4
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Project by group dmsstiemfall2019

Explore Plants take in CO2 and then let out oxygen. Another word for this is photosynthesis. Germination is the growth of a plant before it reaches above the surface. It typically lasts around 1-2 weeks, but some plants may last up to three weeks. The most common soil to seed ratio is 4 parts soil, one part seeds.
Research Question How does the temperature of water affect the plant growth?
Predictions If the water we use to water the plant is hot then, the plant seed will get over heated and die. The reason the seed will over heat and die, is because root of plants are sensitive to too hot or to cold water. If we use room temperature water, then the plant will grow the fastest. This is because i'm concerned the cold water will be to cold and the hot water will be to hot.
Experimental Design Step 1: get your materials: thermometer, water, 30 buckwheat seeds, petri dish, millimeter cup, paper towel, fridge, stove, pot. Step 2: get 75 millimeters and put it in the fridge for 33°F and boil 75 millimeters to 212°F and get 75 millimeters and do nothing to it Step 3: put paper towel into petri dish Step 4: we wait until the temperatures get right and then water 10 seeds with the cold, 10 with the hot, 10 with regular( on paper towel ) Step 5: the next day, observe and record how much the seed has grown, but don’t water it. Step 6: next day observe and record and water. Step 7: repeat step 5 and 6 for a week then observe how much the seed has sprouted. Step 8: measure in cm for the root and leaves on the week mark and record data.
Conclusion Claim- Room Temperature Water is the most successful water temperature, followed by hot water and cold water. Evidence- Cold water was the last to start germinating. Cold water average was 3.7 cm, and the hot water average was 4.4 cm. So, that's a .7 cm difference. The average for regular water is 6.2 cm, the difference between regular and cold is 2.5 cm, and the difference between hot and regular is 1.8 cm. Reasoning- The reason why the regular water had the biggest growth, is because a plant can be very patient to grow. For example, the plant won't grow unless it's the perfect temperature. Also the plant has sensitive roots, so if the water is too hot or to cold, then it won't grow at all, or very little. In addition to that, important factors to plant germination is water; which we had, warmth; which was the warm water, and room temperature. And oxygen; which would be hard to not have, and lastly light; which we didn't have, because it was in a cupboard.


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NSF_Logo.jpg This material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant #2010556 and #1502892. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation.

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