Planting Science - Projects: state farm
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state farm

Project by group dmsgrayspring2021

Explore I know that plants go through a process called photosynthesis to create sugar/ glucose. I know that they can also go through cellular respiration. Plant cells are unique because they have chloroplast and a cell wall. Which is something an animal cell doesn’t have. To go through photosynthesis they need energy, water, and o2. In cellular respiration, they make ATP Energy. What one process needs the other makes. That is some of what I know. A question I have is are there any other processes other than cellular respiration, and photosynthesis?
Research Question How does the amount of energy affect the germination process, or how much the seeds grow.
Predictions I think that the more energy/ sunlight a seed has, then the faster the plant will germinate compared to a seed with less energy. I think this because energy is a key product of photosynthesis, and without it the plant won’t have that to go through photosynthesis.
Experimental Design Procedure: step 1: 3 petri dishes and put paper towels in each. step 2: put 3 seeds in each petri, 9 seeds in total. (seed type buckwheat) step 3: put petri dish with 3 seeds in light 24 hrs a day, put one petri dish with 3 seeds in light for 12 hrs a day, and one petri dish with 3 seeds in complete darkness. step 4: Give seeds the same amount of water every day. step 5: measure height seed every day and record observations.
Conclusion Claim: If a buckwheat seed gets less light, then it’s roots will grow more. Evidence: The seed that got 24 hours of light each day had an average root length of 3.5 cm on day 6. But the seed that got 0 hours of light each day had an average root length of 6 cm on day 6. Reasoning: Seeds don’t need light until the seed has leaves. But then, the embryos have used the energy stored in the seeds from getting prior light and need light to produce energy through photosynthesis to continue to grow. This does not support my prior knowledge because I have done experiments before where this is not the case. This was a fair test because we gave all the seeds the same amount of water.
Investigation Theme WOS
Teacher Name Evelyn Gray
School Name DeWitt Middle School
Session Spring 2021


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NSF_Logo.jpg This material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant #2010556 and #1502892. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation.

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