Planting Science - Projects: Secret Seeds
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Secret Seeds

Project by group dmsgrayspring2021

Explore They need water, sunlight, and soil. They perform photosynthesis in a cell called the chloroplast, the results of this are sugar and oxygen. The sugar and oxygen are needed for cellular respiration to make ATP energy for the plant! I would also like to know how to grow a plant successfully. Plants are one of the most important things to live.
Research Question How does the amount of water affect how fast the seed will grow?
Predictions I think the damp paper towel will grow the fastest because the soaked paper towel will be overwatering.
Experimental Design Variables tested: Amount of water and plant growth. Variables measured and observed: Plant growth. Variables to control: Amount of sunlight, temperature, and type of seed. How to measure?: Measure the longest sprout each day. Independent Variable: Amount of water Dependent variable: Seed's germination Step 1: Grab 5 plastic bags, a roll of paper towel and 8 corn seeds, and on water tube. Step 2: grab a sheet of paper towel and and take a tube and fill it full of water and evenly dump it out 10 times , we will call this group "most water." Step 3: Grab a sheet of paper towel and take tube and fill it full of water and evenly dump it out 6 times, we will call this group "More water." Step 4: Grab a sheet of paper towel and take a tube and fill it full of water and evenly dump it out 4 times, we will call this group "average water." Step 5: Grab a sheet of paper towel and take a tube and fill it full of water and dump it evenly out 2 times, we will clall this group "less water." Step 6: Take a paper towel and dont put ANY water on it. Step 7: Take those paper towels in their own plastic bag, Step 8: Put 2 corn seed in the each of the plastic bags on top of the paper towel. Step 9: Close the bags, Step 10: Put the bags in a space inside in open sunlight, Step 11: Take the group "most water" bags and take the paper towel out and then dump 4 tube fulls of water and put the paper towel in the bag but leave the seed in the bag and repeat each day, Step 12: Take the group "more water" bags in on day 2 and take the paper towel out and then dump 4 tube fulls of water and put the paper towel in the bag but leave the seed in the bag and repeat every 2 days, Step 13: Take group "average water" bag in on day 3 and take the paper towel out and repeat step 3 and put that paper towel back in the bag with the seeds, repeat every 3 days. Step 14: Take group "less water" bag in on day 5 and take the paper towel out and repeat step 5 and put the paper towel back in the bag with the seeds, dont do this again. Step 15: Dont do any thing with group "no water" for the whole investigation. Step 16: This will last for 7 days! (sorry for the bad formatting, it wont let me add paragraphs)
Conclusion Claim: If you give a seed more amount of water (6 tube fulls) it will growth most. Evidence: If you look at the graph on slide 6 you will see that on day 3 that average water (4 tube fulls) was the longest at 1.50 cm, I'm using average water vs more water because they were close in length. But if you then look at day 6 more water shot ahead of average water taking the lead for the longest at 7.50 whereas average water was only at 4.25 cm. If you look at the graph on slide 7 you will see the same thing happen. No water (0 tube fulls) came nowhere near more water only at .375 cm. Reasoning: The reason most water didn't do as good as more water is because if you give a seed too much water you will end up over watering it. When this happens you essentially drowning the seed, when a seed sprouts it will take water from the soil, but like we do, they need air too, but if you have too much water there's no air anymore. So for example, if you have paper a towel and pore ¼ of a glass of water on to it there will still be oxygen left in it, but whereas if I take a full glass of water then pore it on some paper towel it will instantly absorb all the water and push the air out to make room. Another reason is that when the hairs on the root absorb that much water they will die cutting the plant’s access to water off. But the reason no water did so bad is because if there's no water it cant use its stored energy, but it lasts for a limited time, so if you don't give it water it will predictably die.
Investigation Theme WOS
Teacher Name Evelyn Gray
School Name DeWitt Middle School
Session Spring 2021


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NSF_Logo.jpg This material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant #2010556 and #1502892. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation.

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