Planting Science - Projects: Super seed
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Super seed

Project by group dmsgrayfall2022

Explore To summarize everything, we learned that all different types of soil have their own pros and cons. The best soil for plants is called loam is a mixture of sand, clay, and silt. The estimated mixture is 40% sand – 40% silt – 20% clay. Clay soil is okay for plants to grow in, but not the best. It has slow drainage, slow to warm in the spring, and compacts easily, making it difficult for plant roots to grow, tendency to heave in winter, and finally tendency to be alkaline in pH. This is not all the best for plants, but they are still able to grow in it. “Clay soils hold huge amounts of plant nutrients because they have elevated cation exchange capacities," said Brewer. This means they are able to hold on to nutrients, fertilizer, and pesticides. Another plus for clay soils is that they hang onto water really well. Clay soil is a thick, nutrient-rich type of soil that comes with multiple pros and cons. This soil texture can make it hard to grow plants, but you can take advantage of its benefits by introducing some workarounds to overcome its weaknesses. Amending your soil properly can overcome heavy, compacted clay and get it back on track for healthy lawn and garden growth. Adding materials such as organic compost, pine bark, composted leaves, and gypsum to heavy clay can improve its structure and help eliminate drainage and compaction problems. Finally, most woody plants with tough, vigorous root systems are capable of tolerating and growing into higher levels of clay. While you should still amend the soil in the planting hole, they will eventually develop a much larger root system Yes, plants can grow without soil, but they cannot grow without the necessities that soil provides. Plants need support, nutrients, protection from adverse temperatures, and an even supply of moisture, and they need oxygen around the roots. Out of those four growth factors, the soil has an influence on three of them: water, nutrients, and oxygen. Soil is the place where plants live 24/7. It's where they take root, weather the seasons, and absorb water and nutrients. To say that having the best soil for plants is essential is an understatement. Soil structure affects plant growth in many, often surprising, ways. The most obvious effects are on root growth, which is strongly inhibited by hard soil, and which in turn influences the ability of the root system to extract adequate water and nutrients from the soil. Soil provides nutrients, water, and minerals to plants and trees, stores carbon, and is home to billions of insects, small animals, bacteria, and many other microorganisms. Because of these qualities, dirt does not make a good gardening medium. Soil: Soil, on the other hand, is the perfect gardening medium, as it is rich in nutrients and microbes, and when scooped up in your hand, it will clump or form a loose ball easily — often without water being added. Soil carries out a range of functions and services without which human life would not be possible. It provides an environment for plants (including food crops and timber wood) to grow in, by anchoring roots and storing nutrients. It filters and cleans our water and helps prevent natural hazards such as flooding.
Research Question Do different types of soil affect plant growth?
Predictions We predict that the Clay Soil plants will grow the most. We think this because Clay Soil has a lot of nutrients for the plant to help it thrive in the soil.
Experimental Design We will plant 5 seeds per type of soil to make sure we have enough data. We will measure the stem of each plant once it sprouts and number them all. We will measure this in centimeters. We will use a data table to keep track of our measurements/data for each plant. We will be using regular soil, clay soil, and sandy soil.
Conclusion Our conclusion we found is that Potting Soil/Sandy Soil mixture was the best for pea seeds. We think this is because of all the nutrients in the soil and how good they are at holding water when it's needed. All of the pea seeds grew very well all together and when adding their heights together it definitely has the highest number. Some future experiments could be what soil peas grow best, Sand/Potting Soil, or just sand?
Investigation Theme AFW
Teacher Name Evelyn Gray
School Name DeWitt Middle School
Session Spring 2022


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NSF_Logo.jpg This material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant #2010556 and #1502892. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation.

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