Planting Science - Projects: Jeremys mini croissants
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Jeremys mini croissants

Project by group dmsgrayfall2019

Explore We know that plants need light and water to live and thrive. We also know that plants have to wiggel out of the ground to grow.
Research Question How would the amount of water affect the seeds growth?
Predictions If we put more water into the pedri dish then the seed will germinate faster. The plant with the most water gets bigger and better because it has more water to live on so it can grow more with enough nutrients. But if you add to much water the plant might drown.
Experimental Design Are plan is to use Alfalfa seeds. We put 5 drops of water into a Petri dish, then 10, then 15, then 20. We will have a wet paper towel on the bottom so it can get the water that it needs. We will see what plant grows more in 6 days with more or little water. We will also change the paper towel everyday
Conclusion The ansawer to our quesion was that if we put more water into a petri dish the seed will germanate fater. Our resaults show that when we put 20 drops it will grow quicker then when we only put 5 drops in. One facter that might chang e our resaults is that we changed the papaer towl each day. Our first day everything was 5mm, but in the end 5 drops was 10mm, the 10 drops was 14mm, the 15 drops was 17mm, and the 20 drops was 50mm.Seeds need water for photsynthesis. the water goesup through the roots, and into the stem, then it goes through the leaves. Plants are 90 percent water, which means they need more water then most plans life. Plants need water to dissolve the chemicals they use to do their biology.Plants also use water for transportation. And that is our investigation that we did with the round Radish seeds.
Investigation Theme WOS
Grade Level Middle School Students (grades 6,7,8)
School Name DeWitt Middle School
Session Fall 2019


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NSF_Logo.jpg This material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant #2010556 and #1502892. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation.

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