Planting Science - Projects: Foundations of Genetics: Team Broccoli
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Foundations of Genetics: Team Broccoli

Project by group cmsmulcaheyspring2021

Explore We know plants are green life that grow and develop all around us. This can be trees, flowers, grass, and more. We have discovered that these are mustard plants. We have also studied photosynthesis and what plants and green life need to survive. One question we have is whether the vitamin water will affect the growth development of the plants.
Research Question We want to know what the optimal amount of fertizler is for the plant and if too much kills it off. This question fits into what we know because we are talking about fertilizer and the how effective it is and the plants genetic predisposition to its success. EDIT after 3/1/21. We wanna know whether genes or the evironment affect the way the plant grows and thrives.
Predictions Peter: I believe that the plant with too much fertilizer will die, the one with twice as much will grow the most and the control will grow at a regular rate. TJ: I think that the plant with twice the fertilizer will be the most successful. The one with too much will die of over saturation and the control will be mildly successful. EDIT: I think that the control will obviously have the least growth because the environment there has the least fertilizer so there is less growth. The variable plant will be the one that definitively proves one way or another because of the openness of it. We think that environment makes the most impact.
Experimental Design Our group's plan is to create three of the same tests, but then change one thing in two of them. The test being, the fast plants in the water bottles. The first test will be without a change, the correct amount of seeds, fertilizer, etc. The second bottle will have double the fertilizer as its variable, and our third bottle's variable will be orange vitamin water rather than regular water. Each test will have the same materials used, except for number three, besides the liquid used to water the plants. To make sure our group can clearly track the data, each day (red and silver) will fill out the data of each bottle's plants on a data sheet; The plant's height, how many leaves, the leaves' length, etc.
Conclusion The explanation for C is that it was grown with vitamin water, so it grew and developed different than other plants. I noticed that the C plant was more sturdy and was more green, but only two plants grew. For The B plant we didn't put seeds in it until the end, so it didn't develop all the way by the end of the assignment. The data we collected showed that the C plant was able to grow even with vitamin water and it had different traits than the other plants such as being sturdy or greener. The data seemed normal compared to other plants with A and B because they grew in normally. Future experiments could be to do the same exact plants with the same variables and compare them to our past results to see the differences and what has changed. This could also give us better details.
Investigation Theme BRASSICA
Grade Level High School Students (Grades 9,10,11,12)
Teacher Name Brian Mulcahey
School Name Catholic Memorial School
Session Spring 2021


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NSF_Logo.jpg This material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant #2010556 and #1502892. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation.

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