Planting Science - Members: View: Ryan Victor Stratychuk
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Ryan Victor Stratychuk


  • Time Zone

  • Organization
    The University of British Columbia

  • Role
    Scientist Mentor: I will mentor teams of students online

  • Research Interests (300 words)
    Studying the population structure and underlying genetics of fungi associated with mountain pine beetle in order to understand the phenotype of these fungi and how the fungal genetics allow the spread of mountain pine beetle.

  • Profile Question 1
    What is tough about being a scientist?

  • Answer the question you selected for profile question 1 here (300 words):
    The toughest part of being a scientist is keeping on track. The road to your goal is long and sometimes unknown so you will inevitably wander or be pulled by differing interests. It is tough to recognize this and draw on the strength and passion of those around you to keep your goal in sight and gain the mental fortitude to continue on.

  • Profile Question 2
    What is the coolest thing you have discovered or learned about plants?

  • Answer the question you selected for profile question 2 here (300 words):
    The coolest thing I learned about plants was that some mosses made GLASS. In order to withstand the cold and desiccation, some moss/bryophyte species make bioglass in their cells in order to slow metabolic function and preserve cellular structure! (Oldenhof et al. 2006, Stark, Lloyd R. The Bryologist: Ecology of Desiccation Tolerance in Bryophytes: A Conceptual Framework and Methodology. 120 Vol. American Bryological and Lichenological Society, 06/2017. Web. 16 Aug. 2017.)

  • Profile Question 3
    What is best about being a scientist?

  • Answer the question you selected for profile question 3 here (300 words):
    The best part of being a scientist is playing with the data after you record it, especially genetic data. With just a simple file containing your genetic sequences, one can do numerous analyses, transforming the data into so many different forms. Then one can correlate the data with any number of variables and find something significant that explains the genetic data. When playing with the data their are so many possibilities with what you can do and what you can find.

  • Help represent the outreach efforts of your societies. Please click all those organizations you are a member of:

  • Capacity: How many teams at a time are you comfortable working with?

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NSF_Logo.jpg This material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant #2010556 and #1502892. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation.

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