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Lydia Paradiso


  • Time Zone

  • Organization
    New York Botanical Garden

  • Role
    Scientist Mentor: I will mentor teams of students online

  • Research Interests (300 words)
    My primary area of research is conifer systematics.

  • Do you have previous experience in mentorship or educational outreach? Please list here (200 words)
    I have worked with students K-12 in a variety of settings. I led school field trip tours at the New York Botanical Gardens on topics such as plant adaptations and native plants. Additionally, I work as a lab assistant and mentor at the DNA Learning Center in Harlem, a program where high school students investigate DNA barcoding related projects. I have also worked as a volunteer at events such as the World Science Festival, City of Science, and local Science Olympiad competitions.

  • Which of the following best describes your career stage?
    Graduate Student

  • Profile Question 1
    What is your favorite plant? Why?

  • Answer the question you selected for profile question 1 here (300 words):
    My favorite plant is the dawn redwood (Metasequoia glyptostroboides). It was first described from fossils in 1941, but soon after it was discovered that the species was still extant! This "living fossil" is an amazing example of the tenacity of plant species and the importance of botanical research and conservation.

  • Profile Question 2
    Can you describe your attitude toward science when you were in high school?

  • Answer the question you selected for profile question 2 here (300 words):
    In high school, I was generally very interested in STEM, taking classes in biochemistry, computer programming, and biology. I was involved in Science Olympiad, which allowed me to explore topics such as ornithology, biophysics, and proteomics. I eventually learned about the field of bioinformatics, which combined my interests in biological and computer sciences, and continued on to a college degree in this field.

  • Profile Question 3
    What was the first science experiment you ever designed? How did it turn out?

  • Answer the question you selected for profile question 3 here (300 words):
    The first study I designed was during a student research program at the Rocky Mountain Biological Laboratory in Colorado. I found several historical surveys of a landslide site, and decided to resurvey the site and use the historical data to study plant community succession on the site. I learned a lot about field identification, dealt with a finicky GPS device, and became a lot more comfortable around cows! The study showed me how valuable historical data can be, and how much fun field work can be. It also showed me that a project does not have to be complicated to be a valuable contribution to scientific knowledge.

  • Help represent the outreach efforts of your societies. Please click all those organizations you are a member of:
    American Society of Plant Taxonomists
    Botanical Society of America
    Torrey Botanical Society

  • How did you hear about PlantingScience?
    Presentation at a Conference

  • Availability
    I am NOT available, please temporarily remove me from the available mentor list

  • Preferred Student Level(s)
    Elementary School Students (5th grade)
    Middle School Students (Grades 6,7,8)
    High School Students (Grades 9,10,11,12)

  • Preferred Investigation Themes
    Celery Challenge (plant anatomy, osmosis and diffusion)
    What about Pollen? (pollen and pollination)
    Foundations of Genetics (traits, variation and environment in rapidly cycling Brassica)
    Agronomy Feeds the World (where does food come from?)
    C-Fern in the Open (sexual reproduction, alternation of generations)
    Tree-mendous Trees

  • Challenge, ELL, Honors
    Academically Challenged
    Honors or AP - Advanced Placement

  • In addition to English, I am comfortable communicating with students in the following languages:
    None of the Above

  • Videoconference Ability

  • Capacity: How many teams at a time are you comfortable working with?

Recent Posts

mhsstephensfall2021 project 2 Lydia Paradiso

Hi team,

My name is Lydia, I am a PhD student at the New York Botanical Garden studying conifer systematics (the study of evolutionary relationships between organisms). 

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Skills & Endorsements

  • No skills have been endorsed yet.


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NSF_Logo.jpg This material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant #2010556 and #1502892. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation.

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